Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Gods are smiling!

Just when I was loosing faith, I had a banner fundraising day! Thanks to Melanie, Grace and Kristina I raised $173 in a single day. My best so far. I also made sure to keep up my workout routine :)
Exercise this weekend included cleaning the entire house and ORGANIZING! And I followed that up with some "extreme" dog walking. It was more like "swimming" than walking... the snow was knee deep and it felt like I was walking through water... ughh. On the other hand the sun was so bright any shiny, coupled with all the fresh white snow. It was so beautiful it was worth it.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Fundraiser Cancelled

Today was supposed to be my first official fundraiser! Unfortunately 30cm of snow was just too much to ask people to drive out to an event. I hope to reschedule in a couple weeks. I'm getting worried about how much time I have left to raise $2500... somehow I'll get there!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

25% of the way there!!

As you know, I have to raise $2500 to ride on June 21st. I've been having the odd panic attack that I might not be able to raise the money. Well, today, with the help of all my donors so far and my friend Andrea and My Dad and Mary, I AM NOW AT $627 and thats 25% of my goal!! So many people have been so generous to this cause. Thank you all for all your donations!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thank You Village Archery!!

Village Archery is my Step Dad Doug's business. He sells all sorts of hunting supplies as well as offers coaching and courses. He is also a level 2 certified archery coach! Doug stresses safety first all the time.
They recently hosted a PAL and Hunter safety course at his shop. Village Archery graciously decided to turn this into a fundraising opportunty for me! At the lunch they posted a blurb about my race and asked for donations.
Thank you so much mom and Doug for thinking of me and the ride and helping out! I'm now at 19% of my goal.
THANK YOU SO MUCH VILLAGE ARCHERY! Your money counts and will help save lives!!

check out their website at

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

Seamus and I just got back from our mid winter break. We spent a week in Orlando. The weather was great and the crowds were small. I managed to get some riding in too! Yep, in fact, Seamus and I singled handedly returned E.T. to his home planet just in time for him to save his world! It war very intense. Glad to be back. Nothing like your own bed...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thank you Wakeling Family!

Every year, the Wakeling family (my moms side) gathers all our spare change collected throughout the year and brings them to the familty Christmas. We then role them and give the money to charity. One year we bought a family in africa chickens through world vision. This year was no different. So far we have rolled $38 in spare change!!! As you can see on my scrolling list! More to come too! So this puts me at 15% of my goal. I have a few fundraisers plan so I know that I'll get there.

Thanks Auntie Karen and mom for rolling all those coins!!!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

spinning yesterday

spinning can be summed up by: